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Grass Roots Micro Trailers - by i4good

A campaign by Prashanth Van Houten

  • 100 votes needed
  • 94
94 %
Closed for contributions
A campaign by Prashanth Van Houten
0 campaigns, 0 contributions

Project Overview

Grassroots Micro-trailers is a startup social enterprise, that aims to recover discarded bicycles to repurpose the parts, to create trailers that can be used for micro-enterprise opportunities ;  the 'Grass Roots Micro Trailer'.

The 'Grass Roots Micro Trailer' product can be used by individuals, startup's, and organisation's that are looking for a simple yet creative solutions for their pop-up and promotional needs.

The Opportunity

The project aims to assist local area business startups, particularly young entrepreneurs, who can utilise 'Grass Roots Micro Trailers' to test out their business ideas.

The latest (2017) estimated residential population for the Northern Inland area is 186,337 people. 

Approximately 10% of these people, are aged 17 to 24, representing around 18,500 young persons; many of who could be aspiring entrepreneurs.

How can we assist aspiring entrepreneurs validate their business ideas? 

Research and media provides, ‘the best way to conduct the idea validation process is face-to-face engagement’

The Solution - Grass Roots Micro Trailers

We propose to design and build a multipurpose ‘micro trailer’ that can be used to connect directly with the community.

The ‘micro trailer’ could be used by young entrepreneurs to test market ideas, by providing a cost effective means to engage in the market. 

Ideas to be test include food items, events, products or services.

The key to the ‘micro trailer’ is versatility, mobility, cost effectiveness and novelty.

The idea gets better

We propose to design and build a multipurpose ‘micro trailer’ comprising recycled, repurposed materials!

The primary recycled resource – retired bicycle frames!

Recycled, repurposed materials will keep costs to produce miro trailer very low.

Each trailer will cost circa $300 to manufacture and also provide costs benefits via repurposing the materials, that would otherwise, have been required to be processed as waste.

Our Pitch

We are proposing to setup a social enterprise within the region and source materials, resources, and other services to assist create the 'Grass Roots Micro Trailer'

Grassroots Micro-trailers will seek to grow into the future, creating jobs as people will be required for warehouse, workshop and manufacturing. 

The 'Grass Roots Micro Trailer' will repurpose recycled bike parts, to create trailers, to assist launch new business ideas.

To get started, we need your vote of support.

We need you to validate our idea, by casting your vote of support.

If we receive votes of support, we will then aim to launch a crowdfunded campaign, that could attract matched forms of support.

To learn more about our idea, watch our short Pitch video.

You can also find us on Social Media at : -

Where there is an additional video, showcasing our test product